Gustaaf Adolf Frederik Molengraaff — (February 27, 1860 Nijmegen March 26, 1942 Wassenaar) was a Dutch geologist, biologist and explorer. He became an authority on the geology of South Africa and the Dutch East Indies.Gustaaf Molengraaff studied mathematics and physics at Leiden… … Wikipedia
Nawaka Scout Jamboree — Nawaka (national water camp) is a National Jamboree for Sea Scouts in The Netherlands. It is organised every five years by Scouting Nederland. Around 6000 scouts, approximately 100 coming outsite of the Netherlands, in the age of 7 to 27 years… … Wikipedia
Herman Teirlinck — Herman Louis Cesar Teirlinck (St. Jans Molenbeek, 24 February, 1879 Beersel Lot, 4 February, 1967, was a Belgian writer. He was the fifth child and only son of Isidoor Teirlinck and Oda van Nieuwenhove, who were both teachers in Brussels. As a… … Wikipedia
Herman Teirlinck — Herman Louis Cesar Teirlinck, né à Molenbeek Saint Jean le 4 février 1879 et mort à Beersel le 4 février 1967, est un écrivain belge néerlandophone. Il fut professeur de littérature et directeur de l Institut supérieur des… … Wikipédia en Français
Cornelis Crul — Frontispice de la farce de Heynken de Luyere, par le … Wikipédia en Français